Hattalica in Ginza!
Wwwwww Whiplash! Metallica Rules!! Yeeeeaaahhhhh!!
Woops, sorry, got a little bitty carried away: I and my sis went to this Metallica copy band “Hattalica” (the only “officially” approved copy band by the original band!) in Ginza last night. It was awesome!! I heandbanged so hard, my neck hurts a bit ;-) but it’s a good pain! Metallica Rules!!!! (their name, “Hattalica” => Hattali, means bluff, or to disguise, plus it rhymes with the “Metallica”).
It took place at one event hall, not at the live stage as usual: about 30-60 ppl were packed in there, shouting and head banging :-). The band played most favorite songs of all the time such as Blackend, One, Whiplash and Battery etc etc. It was so cool!!!!
I never stopped being a big fan of heavy metal since I was in high school, been to many gigs in US & in Japan. Comparatively, I feel Japanese audience are much.. polite! to the band and to other audiences. which is okay. not all the time esp when it’s a heavy metal gig you are talking about ;-) Break the chain! Come out!! Free yourself!!!
Anyways, I had a good time headbanging and I got to talk with members afterwards.
They are nice guys and played the songs perfectly!! Oh, and I got a drum stick!!! Yeeahh!!
Next gig: Anthrax in December! See you then, pals!!